In early 2020, as we started to become aware of the COVID-19 situation, many people immediately assumed elevators would be a hotbed of viral transmissions and a health risk to the passengers using them. However, as more scientific information and testing is made available, elevators have now been proven to be dramatically safer than many other environments, where people spend longer periods of time near each other. Thanks to the time of exposure being so limited, passengers can travel confidently and safely in elevators – with the right precautions in place.
Finding the balance
We are all trying to navigate the balance between productivity and health and safety, but it’s important to make sure we do that with the right processes and restrictions in place. To help you map out the actions you can take to keep your elevator passengers and maintenance staff safe, we have prepared a quick guide to COVID-19 elevator safety for building managers. You can download the guide here.
Low risk of transmissions in elevators
According to medical experts, the risk of catching the virus directly from other elevator riders is small – as long as you follow basic safety advice. The most likely way you will be infected with coronavirus is not via surfaces, but through person-to-person interactions, which makes wearing a mask and social distancing extra important. But although it’s ultimately down to the individual to behave in a sensible way, the building owner is responsible for having clearly defined rules and procedures for elevator traffic.
Staying safe for the long haul
Today we know more about the risks of COVID-19 now than we did just a few months ago, and we are constantly exploring ways to continue working, traveling, and socializing. Here at Unitec, we’re committed to helping you stay safe by helping you find and use the right solutions for protecting your passengers. We are closely monitoring the various technologies used to mitigate any transmissions of the virus, and we actively advise our customers on what is available to them.